No matter how extravagant an event and you have hired best event party rentals and invited popular industry experts, it’s a success can only be gauged by how many people attend it. In order to get the word out among potential attendees, we have got some tried and tested event marketing ideas.
Be Realistic About Your Goals For The Event
This is important. The first and foremost thing that you should do in order to ensure that your event marketing is a success is to go in with achievable goals. Have a specific purpose for why you are hosting the event and what results do you aim to get out of it. This will immensely help you in coming up with a marketing strategy that works.
Create A Website Specifically For The Event
Now that you have a clear goal in mind with respect to your event, it is time to promote it along with everything that a potential attendee might be looking for on a separate website made specifically for the event. Make sure to include the URL on all event advertising material, digital or otherwise, with a nice call to action, because there is only so much you can say on an ad. Let people know that if they are interested, you have got them covered.
Use Pop Ups On Your Website
With the website in place, it is time to throw out some pop up ads on your own company as well as partner and other affiliate websites and social media, that will link back to the event URL. This will help bring in leads, which if you are smart about it, can be used to secure registration for the event. This information you collect this way will not only be useful now, but will also help you target potential leads for future events.
Include Guest Speaker Pictures In Your Marketing Material
If you are inviting renowned guests in your specific niche to speak at your business event, make sure to let the attendees know! A lot of times this can be the difference between securing an attendee for your event and letting the opportunity slide away, as people value insight from industry leaders, and may decide to check out your event just to get a chance to see them talk.
Use The Power Of Social Media To Get People Talking
Social media is one of the strongest places to market anything, and your event is no exception. Create a specific hashtag for your event and promote it on all marketing media alongside the URL to see how people are responding. This will also help you make some last minute tweaks based on expectations and demands of potential attendees.
Get In Touch With Potential Attendees Using Email Campaigning
Remember the information you collected from visitors on the event website in tip number 2 of this blog? If you have been doing this for all your past events as well, you now may have an extensive email list of potential attendees, and it only makes sense to let them know what’s the latest that you have cooking up.
Buy Ad Space On High Profile Websites Or Consider Social Media Ads
So far whatever we had discussed above was a roundabout approach to getting leads, with little to no investment on your part. But provided that you have the funds for it, there is no better alternative to paid ads when it comes to marketing anything. The more money you spend, the better your chances will be of potential attendees in your niche seeing it and clicking on the ad.
And there you have it. While some of these methods will need you to put some initial capital into marketing the event before you see results, a lot of the above can be accomplished totally free of cost with means that are already at your disposal.
If you are going the paid advertising route, make sure to set aside a separate budget from your total event cost so as not to disrupt other areas of planning and jeopardize your event as a result. The best way to handle your event related concerns is to seek the services of a professional event management company and event tent rentals Rockland NY. One that has ample experience hosting high scale events.