Allergen or irritant are substance that you get allergic to, such as food, medications, plants etc. If you are over sensitive and you get effected pretty easily, you should check in at the allergy clinic and have an allergy doctor deduce your triggers. Example: being a lactose intolerant, I get diarrhea when I have milk.
Most common allergens
Here are common foods and other allergen that can trigger certain allergies in certain people.
- Food Items
There are times when our immune system mis-takes harmless food as a threat to our body, and starts fighting against it. This is the time when the body gets a rash or red swollen eye, in extreme cases you could have a hard time breathing. Here are some foods that can trigger allergies for some. These items are known to cause allergies in 90 percent of the reported cases.
- Milk (to people who are lactose intolerant it causes diarrhea)
- Eggs (white and yolk both)
- Peanuts
- Tree nuts, like walnuts, almonds, pine nuts, brazil nuts, and pecans
- Soy
- Wheat and other grains with gluten, such as barley, rye, and oats
- Fish (certain kind)
- Shellfish (triggers mostly adults)
- The less common food that may trigger allergies are:
- Corn
- Gelatin
- Meat (beef, chicken, mutton, and pork)
- Seeds, such as sesame, sunflower, and poppy
- Spices, including, coriander, garlic, and mustard
Food Allergy Symptoms
Sometimes the effect becomes apparent in minutes and sometimes it can take hours to show-up Every day symptoms are hard to associate to foods, so it’s hard to determine the trigger. Every-day symptoms are:
- Red, puffy, parched, or prickly skin rash in case of hives or eczema
- Runny or stuffy nose, or dry cough
- Itchy, watery, red eyes
- Scratchy mouth or hot ear
- Peculiar taste in your mouth
- Upset stomach, cramps
- Vomiting, or diarrhea
- Severe symptoms that might need a visit to the ER are:
- Difficulty in breathing or swallowing
- Puffy lips, tongue, or throat
- weakness, confusion, or light-headedness, or fainting.
- Chest aching or a frail, irregular heartbeat
- No matter how server or mild the allergy is it’s better to consult an allergy doctor at the allergy clinic.
Other than food you can get allergic to the following things as well:
- Wet Perfumed Wipes
It’s very convenient to use wet wipes to clean up a small mess, or wiping your face when it gets oily, but sometimes they can give you a horrible rash. Yes, they have appropriate substance to clean your face but they also contain perfume and preservatives that you might get allergic to. It’s better to get non-perfumed ones to avoid getting a rash or make DIY wet wipes at home with ingredients that suits your skin.
- Your Favorite Lotion
You might be breaking in to hives because of your daily lotion and you wouldn’t even know, unless you start observing. Most of the time the rash doesn’t become apparent immediately, it might take a day or couple of hours for it to become apparent, as some rashes become apparent only when the skin is exposed to sun. So, you won’t even suspect your lotion. Lotions, day creams and sun screens, any of these can give you a rash when exposed to sun. The only thing you can do is give it up. There is no other precaution or cure of this type of reaction.
- Soft Toys
Your kind might be coughing or wheezing you can’t put a finger on what’s causing it, take a look at his toys, if you baby has cuddly toys, throw them out at once. Soft cuddly toys harbor dust mitts that can cause allergies given the kids, runny nose, cough, dry mouth or itchy skin. Similar reactions are also cause by, carpets, sofas and cushions. You can’t get rid of all this so, you need to wash them every now and then to get rid of the dust mitts and dead skin cells.
- Jewelry
Contact dermatitis can be caused when the body comes in contact with a certain type of jewelry like artificial or silver. These may leave scars if not treated on time.
Prevention is better than cure, seeing an allergy doctor at registered allergy clinic, and knowing your triggers can keep you from getting effected.